The Canadian seafood boycott is the most effective weapon against the seal hunt. Commercial fishermen earn 95% of their annual income through fishing and seafood exports and only 5% from selling seal skins. The Canadian fishing industry has already suffered $460 million in the decline of snow crab exports to the US.
The Red Lobster restaurant chain buys more Canadian seafood than any other corporation on earth. These purchases DIRECTLY SUPPORT the annual massacre of baby seals by directly supporting the fishing industry, which promotes, even demands, the seal massacre. (Source:
Canadian seafood exports:
-Snow crabs -Perch -Mackerel
-Cod -Flounder -Oysters
-Scallops -Haddock -Sole
-Shrimp -Lobster -Salmon
-Herring -Mussels
-Sardines -Trout
What to do:
· Sign the pledge stating that you will not buy Canadian seafood
· Write to restaurants and businesses requesting that they join the boycott (· Write to Publix, a chain of supermarkets in the Southeast, and request that they discontinue purchasing Canadian seafood (
2) Contact the Canadian Government
By bombarding the Canadian Prime Minister’s email, we have a better chance at stopping this hunt. Send the following emails, but if you would like to contact him on your own, his contact information is:
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900
Phone: 1-613-992-4211
· Urge Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to end the hunt ( (
· Write to Canada’s House of Commons (
· Contact the Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C.
Washington, D.C.
The Embassy of Canada
501 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001-2114, USA
Tel: (202) 682-1740
Fax: (202) 682-7619
· Contact Canada’s Minister of International Trade, David Emerson to remind him of the drastic effects the hunt has on Canada’s economy due to the international boycott (
3) Contact your Senators
The House of Representatives has unanimously passed H. RES. 427, which calls on Canada to end the hunt. Now, Sens. Carl Levin (D-MI), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Joseph Biden (D-DE) sponsor the Senate resolution to do the same. There are currently only 13 cosponsors of S.RES.118. Contact your senators and urge them to cosponsor too.
See if one, or both, of your senators are cosponsors (
If they aren’t, urge them to become cosponsors (
4) Sign the Pledge or Petition!
There are many different pledges out there aimed at stopping the hunt. The more that there are signed, the better! Here are a couple that are not already included above. It only takes a few seconds to sign one, so get started!
Pamela Anderson’s Pledge (
Nigel Barker’s (America’s Next Top Model host) Pledge Challenge (
Care 2: The Petition Site (Put your information in once, and it automatically enters it for all other petitions…It takes only a few seconds to save the seals!) ( ( ( )
Humane Society (
HSUS Fur-Free Pledge (
Scandinavian Anti-Sealing Petition (
It is very difficult to stop the seal hunt due to the fact that the Canadian government defends and supports it. Donations are a great way to get involved and help to put an end to it. Through the many organizations aimed to end the commercial seal hunt you can make a big difference. Animal protection groups working to stop the commercial seal hunt are charities and non-profits. They rely on donations from the public to carry out their work, and all the funds that are raised are spent on campaigns to save animals. A gift of even $25 will help! I would recommend donating through either of these.
· International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
$500 Pays for 1 hour of flight time to bring a seal surveillance team to the ice
$100 Pays for one day of videotaping the seal hunt to expose its cruelty to the world
$50 Funds campaigns to prosecute anyone caught abusing seals
$25 Pays for a seal hunt observation permit to document ongoing cruelty and abuse ( .
· Humane Society (
6) Join the Campaign!
Join the thousands of people around the world who want to do more than disagree. You’ll be updated through email reminders of what is going on with the 2008 Commercial Seal Hunt
· (
· Sign up for Seal Watch through HSUS (
7) Pass it on
Tell someone about it! Tell your family, your friends, anyone, about the hunt. Nothing could ever be expected to happen if no one knows about it! This is the easiest way to help. Just spread the word…
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