Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Harp Seal Population

The seal hunt greatly jeapordizes the harp seal population. Between 2004 and 2006, over one million harp seals were killed in Canada. This is similar to the size of seal hunts in the 1950s and 60s, when the harp seal population was reduced by up to two thirds. A recent scientific study shows that the Canadian government’s management plan for harp seals risks depleting the population by more than 70%. Harp seals depend on a stable ice platform to give birth and nurse their pups. Global warming is resulting in poor ice conditions which is posing a new threat to seals. Ten of the past 12 years have seen poorer than average ice conditions and the impact on harp seals may be devastating. DFO has stated that 90% of seal pups could die this year because of the ice conditions in the southern gulf. The deteriorating ice floes force seal pups into the water before they can swim, resulting in many drowning pups. Not only is global warming affecting the seal population greatly, but a recent study revealed that the annual seal hunt will have seriously depleted the harp seal population by as much as 50 to 70% over the next 15 years.
The DFO also encourages the sealers to exceed their quota, often times by extending past May 15 (the official closing date of the hunt) into June. In 2002, the quota was exceeded by 37,000 seals. In 2004, the quota was exceeded by 16,000.

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